Are you considering purchasing an investment home to let out as an abnb OR considering listing your existing property as a holiday rental?

Alpine Holiday Rentals can streamline this process for you!

Being an established booking agency spanning over two decades, we are well cemented on all the booking platforms and social media channels needed for maximum exposure.

We can appraise your property before purchase and discuss with you the “pros and cons” of holiday letting and we can also assist with styling your holiday rental to maximize your appeal to the public.

You can rely on us being available to attend to your guest needs, property maintenance, cleaning, laundering, garden maintenance or whatever else crops up. eg: running out to fix something, replace the gas bottle for the BBQ or being woken in the middle of the night with a random question from your guest.

Through targeted advertising and dynamic pricing strategies, we market your property across multiple platforms. And as we continuously follow market & seasonal trends we keep our extensive list of VIP guests engaged with cross-promotional deals.

For those whom haven’t found us yet – we use our website, facebook and Instagram with vigor to ensure your property will be found and booked.
Our booking system is user friendly and streamlined; our guests appreciate it and you will too.

Owners are regularly notified on the market status of their property with financial and detailed review reporting. Disbursements are prompt and we maintain transparent communications.

Having your property professionally managed by Alpine Holiday Rentals will drive yields upward.

Make contact with us for a friendly chat – you will not be disappointed.

Email: bookings@alpineholidayrentals.com.au
Telephone: 1300 376 384